We are coming upon the time at DSCC when the real fun begins. At first it was REAL easy. Homework was easy,test were easy,teachers were easy. Now things have changed. At first they were trying to get to know you and you were trying to get to know them. THAT'S OVER!!! Now it's time for harder and longer homework and also harder and longer test. Do these people know I have three kids and no time left for homework?? Not to mention Langdon is playing fall baseball and we are still playing softball. These people just don't get it. I sound like I'm in still high school.
I must tell you about my sociology class. It's a little different. You have to think opposite of what a normal person would think. I have already caused alot of problems in that class because I don't fall for all that JUNK. She thinks we all come from 'apes'. Including me!!! She gave us a scenario and asked us what we would do.I'll give you the same scenario and you tell me what you would do.
You are across the street from the Health Department and you see you sisters daughter(your neice)coming out with a brown paper bag. I think we all know what is in that brown paper bag. Do you tell your sister or mind your own business? Now, I might be wrong but if I see a family member coming out of there I'm TELLING. I thinks that is the only right thing to do. Out of 30 college students, I'm the only one that said they would tell. Is something wrong with me? Then I asked her, "What if in three months your sister calls and says you will never guess who is pregenant?" Then she tells you it is the same neice you saw coming out of the Health Department with that brown paper bag!!! Then you tell her "I seen her three months ago coming out of the Health Department but I didn't want to get involved because it was none of my business" I couldnt live with myself. If I saw one of my couisins, who is still living at home ,leaving Wal-Mart with a twelve pack,you can guarentee I'm telling!!! I owe it to them and their parents to let them know what their kids are doing. Now thats a little different but the same principle. These are the people that are getting paid good money to teach me. Thats not the only class I've caused trouble in but we will save that for another time. Let me know what you would do in that situation or am I just dead wrong!!!
Wow I almost forgot how to do this =)
15 years ago
I agree...I would tell too. Some people are just messed up in the head.
We probably had the same teacher.. She's crazy!!!! And Iwas the only one against everyone else who stood up.... but you are totally right.
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