Today is my grandmothers 86th birthday. And she is as witty and funny as if she were 30 years old. I can not begin to think of what all she has seen and experienced in her life. Can you imagine living 86 years? I for sure can not. She is the only living grandmother I have and probably out of all my grandparents I have I’m the closest with her. When you are young you think that parents and grandparents are old and don’t know anything. But as you get older you seem to realize that they have some truth in what they say and do. I cherish every moment that I spend with my grandmother. I know that as she gets older and as her health ails that she will not always be here. She will not always be here to cook my lunch or to call me my sister or to hear the T.V. on with her favorite show The Price is Right. But she is leaving her mark. For has long as I can remember she has always had some type of sowing project that she works on. She loves to do embroidery. She even taught me a little bit. My mom calls it my grandmothers therapy. I guess to her it is but to me it is memories . I have pillow cases and quilts and little pillows that she has made for me. What a labor of love. The picture above is a pillow case that she did for me. And every time I look at it I for sure think of her . I may be young but I love old things and antiques . And hand embroidery is something that you don’t see anymore . It is a dying art. So to you grandmother I thank you for you labors of love and happy birthday may you have many more. I LOVE YOU ! Carre
Wow I almost forgot how to do this =)
15 years ago
Precious's funny how the things you would least expect to make an impact on your life are the ones that stick the most.
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