Here are the six random things about Jeff
1. Don’t like change (unless its at church)- I usually don’t like change. If there is a plan, I like to try to stick to it. Now church, that’s a different story. This past Sunday we changed the whole “program” around. It was GREAT. It keeps you on your feet. Let me try to give you an example of change I don’t care for. It on Monday we are planning something fun for the weekend and for some reason we can’t do it, it drives me crazy.
2. I don’t like it when people talk about my wife and children(even if they are joking). I don’t know why this drives me crazy but it does. My family is all I’ve got and no one will talk about them if I can help it. I know that’s a little deep but it’s the truth.
3. I don’t like losing. I love to win, even with my kids. If we are playing any random sport outside or game inside I have to beat them. I know that is weird but I figure in a couple of years they will be able to beat me in everything so I better take advantage of my ability to beat them now. There will come a day when I wont be able to hold a candle to them and it is fast approaching!!!!!!
4. I love going to the zoo. I know that is weird. I am not a member of PETA. I don’t think animals are human beings. But I love loading the family and a picnic and spending the day at the zoo. As a matter of fact ,we go to the zoo so much during to year that they informed us that it would be cheaper if we became members. And believe it or not we did. We are actually members of the Memphis Zoo!!! Ask my wife about it. She hates it!!!!
5. I have a hard time meeting new people. I am not the type of person that will run up to someone and say hello. It is a weird quirk of mine. I am really working hard on getting better at it so pray I will. I think I am so self conscience of my weight and appearance, I try to avoid people. PRAY,PRAY,PRAY!!!
6. I have to drive . If my wife and I are going on a trip to ANYWHERE(I mean anywhere)I have to drive. If we go to Wal-Mart, I have to drive. If we were to drive to California, I would drive the whole way. I am scared to death when she drives. It is stressful on all of us. I’m yelling at her, she’s yelling at me, its tough. I have tried. It was just way to stressful. I get real close to the Lord on these drives. Let me give you an example. Every time I ride with her I feel like I’m delivering mail. She drives so close to the right side of the road that I can stick my hand out the window and check their mail. As a matter of fact, she has actually hit a mailbox and knocked the mailbox completely off the post and knocked her passenger side mirror completely off her car!!!! Then she told me “I never ran off the road” . To which I said “Either you ran off the road or the mailbox dug itself out of the ground and ran right in front of you” . Pretty simple right!!! Now I thought that would be the end of conversation. But then she says “ All I know is I never ran off the road”. Even now she says the mailbox was too close to the road. But she took this road everyday for about a year before she finally took the poor mailbox out. This story still comes up about once a week!!!!
Here are the six random things about Carre
1. At work I have to have things in certain a place. I have a certain order that I turn on my lights, my computer and even the a certain order that I open programs. I also have to have things neat at my desk. Unlike at home I don’t care if things are not where they are suppose to be.
2. I don’t care for change. It takes me awhile to get comfortable to the changes. Needless to say I don’t change things very much.
3. I have a loud mouth. When I get excited my voice gets louder. It is like I can’t help it and I don’t even realize that it is even happening. I’m so like my mom and sister it’s not even funny.
4. I don’t like anyone that I know to be mad at me. I will worry myself to death thinking about if I said something or did something to make someone upset with me.
5. I let little things annoy me . I have a short fuse when it comes to that. I might not say anything about it but it crawls all over me like white on rice. And sometimes it causes me to be short and rude to people.
6. This is almost like a quirk of mine! Every night Jeffrey likes to have ice cream before bed. Hey says “ Carre can you lay out the NEOPOLITAN ! But guess what kind of ice cream that we buy! Not Neapolitan, we always buy SHERBERT. It drives in INSANE . One night I told him that I would not lay it out until he called it by the correct type that we had.
Wow I almost forgot how to do this =)
15 years ago
Ya'll are so funny!! I am serious that whole driving thing is me and Frank to the T. I will NOT drive with him in the car because he makes me so nervous. Carre it is because men think that women can't drive is all. And Bro. Jeff I would never have thought that you felt that way about meeting new ppl. I am the same way tho. with the same thoughts so pray for me too!
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