Well hello to all. Its seems like its been forever. We have had a VERY busy summer and things seem as if they are continuing to go faster than I. School has started back for everyone, including me. The boys have all started a new school this year. Previously they were attending Finley but now we moved them to Lara Kendall in Ridgely. Which by the way, is a great school!! I, myself, am back in college as of Monday at DSCC. The classes are going OK. I have to take a theatre class which should be interesting to say the least! I also have a small job here at the school as a tutor. Because I maintained a 3.5 GPA my first year, they called and asked if I would be interested in being a tutor on campus. Yeah, I know...me a tutor. It sounded funny to me too. I thought it was a prank when they first called to ask me. Its a paying job so its a great opportunity for me here at DSCC. We are officially done with baseball for now. Langdon made All-Stars through our league ball team in Tiptonville and Parker made All-Stars with his Tee-Ball team. Langdon also has a lot of opportunities to play travel ball with teams as far away as Nashville and even a team in Mississippi!! We are very proud of all of them. Parker will be celebrating his 6th birthday tomorrow. Time is going faster than it ever has. We will try and post some pictures tomorrow of the baseball seasons that we have all played in. We also went to Branson over the summer. Of course we had to fit it in between baseball!!! Branson was OK but my heart has always been with going to Gatlinburg. That's my favorite place in the world. We are also in the process of starting our own travel ball team and we are looking for sponsorships. It takes around $4000 to start a team and play 3 tournaments a month for 5 months during the summer. But things are going better than expected with that. Carre and I have been in different places each weekend during the summer. Parker was playing in tee-ball tournaments all over West Tennessee and Langdon was in All-Star tournaments and travel ball at the same time all over the place including Southaven,Mississippi. So we have been kinda seperated...but dont worry we are back together now. Carre is ready for baseball to be over for good and I am trying to start a team to begin play in October!!! Polar opposites..but thats OK. We are very excited about the furture and what lies ahead. Maybe tomorrow I'll post some pictures and some stories and some of the tournaments and places we were able to go and play.
Wow I almost forgot how to do this =)
15 years ago
Sounds like you've been busy. Us too, been missing you guys ;o}
Have a great day!
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