It's that time of the year again. Baseball season!!! More importantly, youth baseball season. We have three boys that would rather play baseball than breathe. I guess we are very lucky. Most kids enjoy sitting in front on the T.V. playing their video games. Our boys enjoy that also, but if you say "Lets go outside and pitch",they have their ball bags ready before you can get out the door. I've had some parents say to me that baseball seems to take over our life at this time of the year. It is just a coincidence that most of the time their child isn't the most talented when it comes to the baseball diamond!!!!
The past years Cam and Parker have played on the same league. NOT THIS YEAR!!! Now we have three boys that are on three separate teams. Actually we have three boys that on 5 different teams. I'll explain that later. Now we have to run back and forth from field to field to catch a glimpse of our child playing in his game. Let me rephrase that, Carre has to run back and forth. I'm helping coach Langdons team. Coaching looks easy when you are sitting in a fold up chair in the crowd, but on the field it is VERY different.
Langdon is actually playing for three, yes 3, different teams. He is playing for Agrillance in Lake County for the Call Ripken League. He is also playing on a travel team being put together by the Cal Ripken Board of Directors out of Lake County. He has also been asked to play for the Dyersburg Dragons,yet another travel team. The Dragons will play in Dyersburg, Jackson, Munford, Covington, Millington and 2 more tournaments yet to be decided. WOW!! He is only 9 years old. Now I know what some of you are thinking. I can hear you now. "His daddy is making him do all of that". Yeah right. He wants to play more. He does something with baseball everyday, whether it is baseball season or not. His new schedule is/ Monday-games, Tuesday-practice, Wednesday-practice in Dyersburg, Thursday-games, Friday-practice or games, Saturday-practice in Dyersburg!!!!!! He does all this and is still a Honor Roll student!!! Some people don't understand the obsession for baseball at 9 years old. My wife doesn't seem to get it. But in 9 more years when he is getting ready to graduate high school and if he continues being in love with baseball, colleges will beg him to come to school there.
Wow I almost forgot how to do this =)
15 years ago
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