Love…… I have a lot of loves in my life. But I have posted the pictures of the most important loves of my life. I say it a lot at home but when we are around others I’m not one to make a big mushy fuss but I must say that I LOVE MY HUSBAND. A great deal in fact, he probably don’t think so but it is true. We have been married almost 8 years( on the 23rd). We married young and dumb but felt and knew that we were doing the right thing. I have watched him grow from a boy to a man and has developed into a man that loves God and his family. Like every other couple we have had out ups and downs but you learn from them and those are the lessons that make you grow together and make your relationship strong. He is not perfect but has really taught me a lot about being the parent and wife that I long to be for him and our children. Jeff has stayed by my side in my lowest of lows and has given my words of wisdom to help me thru those times. I love this man that I have been given and I’m very thankful to have him in my life and that he as been so patient with me. I may not always let him know but I appreciate everything he has done for me and our boys. Speaking of the boys , they have to be the next in line of my most important loves . Their ganmaw(thats what they called her) would say that they are her love bugs and she has named them right. They love to give hugs and kisses to their mom and dad before bed. They are the reason I get up in the morning and the reason to keep me going thru the day.
I could fill up a hundred pages of things that I love but it would just have been a waste of time if I didn’t mention the most important to me. This is my most favorite picture of the both of us. Jeff doesn’t like it because we are a little bigger in it than we are now.
Wow I almost forgot how to do this =)
15 years ago
Awww~great pictures!
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