I must tell you, school this semester has been rather interesting. I'm taking a Speech class!!! Can you believe it?!!! This is a different kind of Speech class. I have stood up in front of people and spoke and it really doesn't bother me too much. But in this class, you have to use CORRECT grammar!!! Instead of saying goin' you must say going. This has been harder than it should be for a person that is suppose to know how to speak English. I've already given my first speech and it went pretty well. I tried to make people laugh and use humor as my shield to hide behind. Imagine that. The next speech will be the hardest. We all had to pick topics that mean something to us and attempt to give the speech in hopes of getting the rest of the class to see your view point. We had to send out surveys to the members of the class on the subject and see what your classmates already know about the subject. The hard part was when I had to look up some info on my subject on the Internet. It was very hard to sit thru and look at some of the things that are available. My subject is on Abortion. Why it is murder??!! WOW!! I know, what a great topic to do in a class with people who can barely pick their clothes out on their own!!! You would be amazed at some of the responses I received back form the class. One of my questions was," Do you know anyone, including yourself, that has has an abortion" . The class didn't have to sign their name to the paper so you never knew who the responses came from. But, in a class of 25 people, 7 people either have had or know of someone that has had a abortion!!!!! UNBELIEVABLE RIGHT!!! I could not believe that . I still can't. Well anyway, I am going to post some of the good pictures that I have found and you can decide for yourself.
Please pray for all those that have made the decision to abort a baby and those that are faced with the decision maybe now.
Wow I almost forgot how to do this =)
15 years ago
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