Back to school!!!! I hated it as a kid and I hate it now!! Maybe just as much. There is something about going back to school that scares me to death. When our first semester was over with I thought to myself "We have a long time off before next semester starts." Now that time is drawing closer. It got me to thinking about how many times I complain about not having enough time to study God's Word. We always say "If only I had a little more time, I could study the Bible more." Then God gives us more time and we fill up that time with T.V. or other activities. The devil is so slick. Thank God for his Mercy and Grace. If it was not for those two things, we would all be damned!!! Thank God I serve a God who still believes in second(and sometimes 3rd)chances.
Wow I almost forgot how to do this =)
15 years ago